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3 ways to deal with agony caused by loved ones
Have you ever felt let down by a loved one? Have they not behaved the way you wished they would? Has it ever felt like you are in a pit and the people who are supposed to life you up, is throwing stones at you. I am not here to tell you to stand in their shoes and understand them. I am here to acknowledge that it sucks. It really, horribly sucks big time. I am here to pour out my feelings about such situations. I am not at all going to empathize with the other side. I am here to empathize with you. You, who juggles work, family, own health problems.. you who has your own struggles, you who feel betrayed that a kin or a friend doesn’t let alone offer support, but rather makes your life difficult. Did I say before it sucks. Yes, it does.
So why do people whom we love, hurt us the most? Why do they seem to do it when are already down, why not when are at the top of our game. What do you do with that relationship? There are a lot of self-help books available which says to cut off relationships which drain your energy. Would you be truly able to do it, if it is your mother or father or siblings? I don’t claim to have answers, but I will pen down my thoughts. Such situations seem to occur in everyone’s life once in a while.