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My Top 3 Breastfeeding Challenges As A First Time Mom
Humans are mammals. One of the things that make us mammals is breasts. We are supposedly very intelligent creatures. As a new mom I realized that the mini version of us intelligent creatures do not know even to eat. It is a learned skill by both the mother and the baby. Where as the offsprings of every other creature on the planet knows how to get its food, babies have to learn something called latching. While breastfeeding is the natural way for a babyto thrive, in no way is it easy. In this post I am sharing my top 3 challenges as a first time mom.
24*7 nursing
The struggle is not over in 9 months, a different one starts the moment a baby is born. Newborns feed every 1.5 to 3 hours and each feeding session can last upto 40 minutes. Before, after or in between feeds, you might change the diaper, baby might pee or poop during change causing their dress to be soiled and needing a change. By this time, your baby might be crying for food again. This cycle means that you will feel you are nursing 24/7. Google the entire internet and everywhere it says this will change. Apparantly babies become better eaters and they can finish feeds quite fast. My baby is 3 months old, she has really come a long way from being a newborn but I still feel I am nursing 24/7. I am guilty of thinking to switch to formula just so that I know how…